About half an hour ago the din began again. Bags of glass bottles were poured out, plastic ones crimped and cans are being crushed. The damned noise is so loud that even with the windows closed and air conditioner and fan on it is louder than the TV or DVD. You can't concentrate well enough to read. And the noise makes sitting in the backyard intolerable.. Quite frankly, these morons make it disruptive to doing damned near anything.
I've been patient this summer because things seemed to have quieted down (Mama picker wasn't out scavenging all the time). But now that they seem to once again be going it it full steam, I'm looking for solutions (short of hitting them over the head with their own bottles). I've contacted various city agencies (sanitation, health and police) and all of them are unwilling to help ("we see nothing"). Ideas, please!!
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